PhD Candidates

Academic Background

  • Phd in Scalable Game Design to Secondary education using interactive technologies, University of Piraeus, Department of Digital Systems, Doctoral dissertation with subject: “Motion-based touchless game design and rapid development– A methodology to enhance students’ problem solving and computational thinking skills”. Supervisor: Professor Retalis S - IN PROGRESS
  • Master in E-Learning, University of Piraeus, Department of Digital Systems, M.Ed dissertation with subject: “Building a tool to help teachers analyse learners' interactions in a networked learning environment”. Supervisor: Professor Retalis S.
  • Bachelor in Applied Computer Science, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia

Professional Experience

  • September 2009 – Present: Senior Project Manager, Ministry of Education/Special Unit for the implementation of NSRF projects (2007-2013, 2014-2020)
  • September 2009 – Present: Member of several evaluation working groups, Ministry of Education/Special Unit for the implementation of NSRF projects, KTP and Youth & Lifelong Learning Foundation
  • September 2007- August 2009: Computer Science Teacher, Ministry of Education
  • September 2006- February 2007: Computer Science Teacher (IT Labs), Technological Institute of Lamia/ Computer Engineering TE
  • September 2005- February 2007: IT Consultant, Technological Institute of Lamia/ Computer Engineering TE

Research Interests

  • Interactive Technologies
  • Game Design and Rapid Development
  • Enhancing Problem solving and Computational thinking skills
  • Anything concerning ICT innovation in education


Member of the implementation team of the international & internal projects:

  • Extended Day Kindergarden Project,NSRF (2007-2013), NSRF (2014-2020): Project Manager
  • Development of ICT infrastructure for Additional Online teaching support,NSRF (2007-2013): Project Manager
  • Supporting the development and the operation of Pilot Schools,NSRF (2007-2013): Project Manager
  • Organization and support of remedial teaching in school centres 2012 – 2015,NSRF (2007-2013): Assistant Project Manager
  • Institution of Excellence and promotion of Good Practices in Primary and Secondary Education,NSRF (2007-2013): Assistant Project Manager
  • Google CS4HS Project (2013): CS4HS is an annual funding program to improve the computer science (CS) educational ecosystem by providing funding for the continuation of CS teacher professional development worldwide: CS Educator
  • School Advisors’ Training programme – PAKE ATTIKIS - for the implementation of the project “In-Service Training of teachers for the utilisation and application of ICT in the teaching practice” of the Operational Programme “Lifelong Learning”, NSRF (2007-2013): Assistant CS Educator


Papers published in international peer-reviewed journals:

  • G. Altanis, M. Boloudakis, S. Retalis, N. Nikoy (2014). Children with Motor Impairments Play a Kinect Learning Game: First Findings from a Pilot Case in an Authentic Classroom Environment, Interaction Design and Architecture (IxD&A) international journal, special issue on "Game for learning”, N. 19, Winter 2013/14, pp. 91 - 104.
  • Petropoulou, O., Altanis, I., Retalis, S., Nicolaou, C. A., Kannas, C., Vasiliadou, M., &Pattis, I. (2010). Building a tool to help teachers analyse learners' interactions in a networked learning environment. EducationalMediaInternational, 47(3), 231--246.

Papers published in proceedings of international conferences:

  • Retalis, S., Korpa, T., Skaloumpakas, C., Boloudakis, M., Kourakli, M. Altanis, I., Siameti, F., Papadopoulou, P., Lytra, F., Pervanidou, P. 2014. Empowering children with ADHD learning disabilities with the Kinems kinect learning games. The 8thEuropean Conference on Games Based Learning, 1, 469-477
  • I.Altanis, A.Prentza, M.Mpoloudakis, S.Retalis (2012). DESIGN MOTION TRACKING GAMES USING MS KINECT FOR STROKE REHABILITATION. 18th PRM European Congress, 28 May - 01 June 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece

Papers published in proceedings of Greek conferences:

  • I.Altanis, A.Prentza, S.Retalis(2013). “DESIGN MOTION TRACKING GAMES USING MS KINECT FOR STROKE REHABILITATION”. 5thHellenicBio-MedicalConference, 4-6 April 2013, President Hotel, Athens, Greece
  • I.Altanis, A.Prentza, M.Mpoloudakis, S.Retalis(2012). “DesignKinect Games for stroke or traumarehabilitation”. 4th Hellenic Bio-Medical Conference, 20-21 January 2012, National Technical University (NTUA), Greece
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