Academic Background
- Phd in Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Doctoral dissertation with subject: “Utilization of Interaction Analysis Indicators in e-Learning Environments for the Assessment of Learners' Performance”. Supervisor: Professor Symeon Retalis
- Master in Education (M.Ed), Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities. M.Ed dissertation with subject: “Evaluating the factors that influence the effectiveness of the distance learning process in the Learning Management System CENTRA”. Supervisor: Dr. Eirini Georgiadi
- Bachelor in Primary Education Teaching (B.A.), National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
Professional Experience
- Teaching and Research Associate at the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Research Associate in the Faculty of Education at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Athens, Greece.
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece.
Research Interests
- Educational assessment in eLearning environments
- ICT in Education
- Interaction Analysis & Visualization tools
- Instructional Design & Design Patterns
- Informatics in Medical Education
Member of the implementation team of the international & internal projects:
- "EduComics: Using Web Comics in Education", 1/10/2008-30/09/2010.
- Leonardo da Vinci–Transfer of Innovation” EUPT project “A Framework for Preparing Teachers to Teach with ICT”, 1/10/2009-30/09/2011.
- “PREATY: PRoposing modern E-Assessment approaches and Tools to Young and experienced in-service teachers”, 1/12/2012-30/11/2014.
- “SAILS: Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science”, 1/1/2012-31/12/2015.
Papers published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- Petropoulou O., Kasimatis K., Dimopoulos I., & Retalis S. (2014). LAe-R: A new learning analytics tool in Moodle for assessing students’ performance. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, 16(1), 1.
- Petropoulou O., Altanis I., Retalis S., Nicolaou A., Kannas C., Vasiliadou M., & Pattis I. (2010). Building a tool to help teachers analyse learners' interactions in a networked learning environment. Educational Media International (EMI), 47 (3), 231- 246.
- Petropoulou O., Vasilikopoulou M., Retalis S. (2009). Enriched Assessment Rubrics: A new medium for enabling teachers easily assess students’ performance when participating to complex interactive learning scenarios. Journal Operational Research, 11(2), 171-186.
- Petropoulou O., Lazakidou G., Retalis S., & Vrasidas C. (2007). Analysing interaction behaviour in network supported collaborative learning environments: A holistic approach. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 3 (4&5), 450-464.
Papers published in proceedings of international conferences:
- Themeli A., Stefanidis G., Kakkou S., Petropoulou O., & Psaromiligkos (2016). Assessing inquiry skills in classroom: an empirical evaluation study. In Proceedings of 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, 9-11 June, Aigaleo, Athens.
- Petropoulou O., Aretou G., & Psaromiligkos (2016). Training teachers on the use of modern assessment techniques: the first sign of success. In Proceedings of 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, 9-11 June, Aigaleo, Athens.
- Poulopoulou B., Poulopoulou P., Chorti P., Petropoulou O., & Retalis S. (2015). Inquiry learning scenario for harmonic systems which are based on geometrical proportions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference EduDidactics 2015: Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes, 20-21 November 2015, Pierce-The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece.
- Petropoulou O., Psaromiligkos I., Retalis S., & Stefanidis G., (2015). Cultinating and assessing Inquiry thinking skills using mobile digital science lab. In Proceedings of the Conference of International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP EPEC), 6-10 July 2015, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Chorti P., Poulopoulou B., Balaska D., Maniati K., Petropoulou O., & Retalis S. (2014). Training designers in inquiry based learning scenarios. In Proceedings of International and European Trends in Education and Their Impact on the Greek Educational System, 26-28 September 2014, Moschato, Athens, Greece.
- Stefanidis G., Petropoulou O., & Psaromiligkos I. (2014). Inquiry based learning in primary education: a case study using the mobile digital workshop Labdisc . In Proceedings of International and European Trends in Education and Their Impact on the Greek Educational System, 26-28 September 2014, Moschato, Athens, Greece.
- Kasimatis, K., Petropoulou, O., Retalis, S., Dimopoulos, I., Psaromiligkos I., & Karaggelis K. (2014). Using Moodle and e-Assessment methods during a collaborative inquiry learning scenario. In Proceedings of the Science & Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC/SAILS) 2014: Thinking Assessment in Science & Mathematics, June 24 & 25 2014, Dublin City University, Ireland.
- Petropoulou, O., Retalis, S., Psaromiligkos I., Stefanidis, G., & Loi, Spyridoula, (2014). Inquiry Based Learning in Primary Education: a case study using mobile digital science Lab. In Proceedings of the Science & Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC/SAILS) 2014: Thinking Assessment in Science & Mathematics, June 24 & 25 2004, Dublin City University, Ireland.
- Dimopoulos, I., Petropoulou, O., Boloudakis. Μ., & Retalis, S (2013). Using Learning Analytics in Moodle for assessing students’ performance. In Proceedings of the 2nd Moodle Research Conference (MRC2013), 4-5 October, 2013, pp. 40-46, Sousse, Tunisia.
- Mitropoulos, E., Petropoulou, O., & Retalis, S. (2013). Exploiting the educational platform WISE in second grade of high school attractive activities of inquiry-based education and modern assessment techniques of students' performance. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference eRA – 8: The Conference for International Synergy in Energy, Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education, 23-25 September 2013, T.E.I. of Piraeus.
- Dimopoulos, I., Petropoulou, O., & Retalis, S (2013). Assessing Students’ Performance Using the Learning Analytics Enriched Rubrics. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge - LAK '13, (pp. 195-199), April 08 - 12 2013, Leuven, Belgium.
- Petropoulou Ο., Κatsamani Μ., Lazakidou G., Retalis S., Georgiakakis P., & Karamouzis S. (2010). Designing Configurations of CSCL Scripts Using Interaction Analysis Findings. International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems - INCos 2010, (pp.427-430), November 24-26, Thessaloniki, Greece. IEEE Computer Society.
- Retalis S., Katsamani M., Georgiakakis P., Lazakidou G., Petropoulou O., Kargidis T. (2010). Designing Collaborative Learning Sessions that Promote Creative Problem Solving Using Design Patterns. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, M. de Laat, D. McConnell & T. Ryberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning, (pp. 490-498), 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Petropoulou O., Retalis S., Siassiakos K., Karamouzis S., Kargidis T. (2008). Helping Educators Analyse Interactions within Networked Learning Communities: A Framework and the AnalyticsTool System. In Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Kargidis, T., McConnell, D., Retalis, S., Stamatis, D., & Zenios, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Networked Learning, (pp. 317-324), 5-7 May, Halkidiki, Greece.
- Haritou, M., Giokas, K., Koutsouris, D., Pavlopoulos S., & Petropoulou Ο. (2005). E-Libraries and Continuing Medical Education using e-learning platforms. The REMEDIES Case Study. Third International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, 11 - 13 November 2005, Patra, Greece.
Book Chapters:
- Petropoulou O., Retalis S., & Lazakidou G. (2012). Measuring Students’ Performance in e-Learning Environments via Enriched Assessment Rubrics, In Psaromiligkos, Spyridakos, Retalis(eds): Evaluation in e-Learning, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-61942-942-0
- Petropoulou Ο., Lazakidou G., Georgiakakis P., & Retalis S. (2012). Making Adaptations of CSCL Scripts by Analysing Learners’ online Behavior. In T. Daradoumis, St. Demetriadis, F. Xhafa (Eds.), Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 408, (pp. 179-194), Springer.
- Retalis S., Petropoulou O., Lazakidou, G. (2011). Assessing the Performance of Learners Engaged in Computer-Supported Collaborative Problem-Solving Activities. In F. Pozzi & D. Persico (Eds.): Techniques for Fostering Collaboration in Online Learning Communities: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, vol. 1, (pp.245-260). USA: Information Science Reference.
- Petropoulou O., Lazakidou G., Retalis S., & Vrasidas C. (2008). Evaluating the learning effectiveness of collaborative problem solving in computer-mediated settings. In M. Lytras, R. Tennyson, & P. O.dePablos (Eds.): Knowledge Networks: the Social Software Perspective, (pp.151-167), IGI Publishing, 978-1-59904-976-2.
- International Society of the Learning Sciences-ISLS
- International Forum of Educational Technology & Society
- Hellenic Association for Educational Assessment